Yang, Xue
Tel: 025-83621049
E-mail: yangxue@nju.edu.cn
Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and E-commerce
Dr. Xue Yang is an associate professor in the Department of Marketing and Electronic Business, School of Business(Management), Nanjing University (NJU), China since 2009. She was a Senior Research Associate at the Department of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong, Instructor and Teaching Assistant at the Department of Information Systems, National University of Singapore(NUS). She was a visiting scholar at the University of Georgia (Terry College of Business, Department of MIS, 2015-2016 and 2017) and Georgia Institute of Technology (Sheller College of Business, Department of Information Technology Management, 2017). She attended the Global Colloquium on Participant-centered Learning and Case Writing Workshop at Harvard Business School. She received her Ph.D. in Information Systems from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2008 and a Bachelor's degree in Information Management and Information Systems from Nanjing University in 2003. Her current research interests include social network effects in e-commerce, mobile application design and HCI, spontaneous virtual team, free trial software, and online product trial, among others. Her research work has appeared in journals such as Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information & Management, Decision Support Systems, IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management, Business Horizons, International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Global Information Management, Information Systems Frontiers, among others, as well as various conferences such as International Conference on information systems (ICIS). She has been a member of the Association of Information Systems(AIS) since 2004. She is currently serving as Associate Editor for Information & Management, Electronic Commerce Research, Journal of Global Information Management and Asis Pacific Journal of Information Systems, and Executive Editor for NJU Business Review (Chinese). She has acted as the Program Committee member, Track Chair, Associate Editor, or Session Chair for multiple international conferences such as ICIS, PACIS, CSWIM, and served as ad hoc reviewers for more than thirty international journals and conferences. She has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in 2011-2014 (Youth Program) and 2016-2019 (General Program), and the Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province, China (2016-2018). She has also received multiple teaching and research awards from NJU and the School of Business.
Research Fields
1. Electronic Commerce, Mobile Commerce, and Social Commerce
2. Spontaneous Virtual Team Behavior and Performance
3. Organizational and Individual Information System/Technology Usage
4. Online Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Psychology, and Decision Making
5. E-Learning
Teaching Fields
1. Management Information Systems(English, Chinese)
2. Mobile Commerce and Social Commerce(English, Chinese)
3. Advanced Research Topics on E-business: Theory, Method and Future Research(English, Chinese)
4. Electronic Commerce Business Model, Strategy and Operation(English, Chinese)
5. Management Research Method Basics
6. Management Research Methods and Applications