编号 | 作者 | 论文题目 | 出版单位 | 出版时间 |
1 | 安同良 姜舸 王大中 | 中国高技术制造业技术测度与赶超路径——以锂电池行业为例 | 经济研究 | 2023年1月 |
2 | 沈坤荣 林剑威 傅元海 | 网络基础设施建设、信息可得性与企业创新边界 | 中国工业经济 | 2023年1月 |
3 | 方先明 胡丁 | 企业ESG表现与创新——来自A股上市公司的证据 | 经济研究 | 2023年2月 |
4 | 洪银兴 任保平 | 数字经济与实体经济深度融合的内涵和途径 | 中国工业经济 | 2023年2月 |
5 | 段巍 舒欣 吴福象 刘彤彤 | 无形资本、资本—技能互补与技能溢价 | 经济研究 | 2023年3月 |
6 | 韩剑 王星媛 张中意 | 专利审查高速路与中国“技术出海”——基于谷歌专利云数据的分析 | 管理世界 | 2023年4月 |
7 | 宋文静 陈怡煖 黄韫慧 | 募捐信息该强调恢复还是改善受事件可控性调节 | 心理学报 | 2023年4月 |
8 | 洪银兴 杨玉珍 | 现代化新征程中农业发展范式的创新——兼论中国发展经济学的创新研究 | 管理世界 | 2023年5月 |
9 | 郑江淮 师磊 | 本地化创新能力、区域创新高地与产业地理梯度演化路径 | 中国工业经济 | 2023年5月 |
10 | 蒋旭婷,吴小玥,范雪灵,贺伟 | 员工愤怒表达对领导力涌现的影响:温暖和能力感知的中介作用以及愤怒道歉的弥补作用 | 心理学报 | 2023年5月 |
11 | 洪银兴 陈雯 | 由城镇化转向新型城市化:中国式现代化征程中的探索 | 经济研究 | 2023年6月 |
12 | 李路云 贾良定 张熠婕 魏良玉 | 身份尴尬与身份辩护:劳务派遣员工组织身份发展过程 | 心理学报 | 2023年7月 |
13 | 张骁 王洁 柳志娣 曹鑫 | 创业者印记影响机会评估和利用的认知机制——基于晨光生物的案例分析 | 管理科学学报 | 2023年6月 |
14 | 陈冬华 陈彦斌 冯根福 黄先海 龙登高 李涛 李曦辉 陆铭 史晋川 杨瑞龙 张军 | 在马克思主义政治经济学中国化时代化中建设中华民族现代文明——学习贯彻文化传承发展座谈会精神笔谈 | 经济研究 | 2023年7月 |
15 | 巫强 姚雨秀 | 企业数字化转型与供应链配置:集中化还是多元化 | 中国工业经济 | 2023年8月 |
16 | 张月友 刘志彪 马立军 | 在高质量发展中促进共同富裕——基于生产端的思考 | 中国社会科学内部文稿 | 2023年8月 |
17 | 安同良 魏婕 姜舸 | 基于复杂网络的中国企业互联式创新 | 中国社会科学 | 2023年10月 |
18 | 张正堂 | 如何提升中国管理学研究对实践的贡献——基于管理知识生产传播模型的研究 | 中国工业经济 | 2023年11月 |
19 | 杨源源 贾鹏飞 高洁超 | 中国宏观调控的空间约束与政策取向 | 中国社会科学内部文稿 | 2023年12月 |
20 | 安同良 魏婕 | 中国经济学走向何处:复杂经济学视域下新经济发展对中国经济学的重构 | 中国工业经济 | 2023年12月 |
2023年南京大学商学院SSCI I区成果收录
编号 | 作者 | 论文题目 | 出版单位 | 出版时间 |
1 | 龙政华,Hailun Zhang,Jiheng Zhang,Zhe George Zhang | The Generalized c/μ Rule for Queues with Heterogeneous Server Pools | Operations Research | 2023.5 |
2 | Trevor Watkins, Catherine E Kleshinski, Natalie H Longmire, and 贺伟 | Rekindling the fire and stoking the flames: How and when workplace interpersonal capitalization facilitates pride and knowledge sharing at work | Academy of Management Journal | 2023.6 |
3 | Xia Zhao, 宋培建, Lanfei Shi, Ling Xue, 冯帆 | Customer Complaint Avoidance: A Randomized Field Experiment of Platform Governance Based on Value Cocreation and Appropriation | MIS Quarterly | 2023.9 |
4 | C. Zhang, 宋培建, K. Lim | Standardize or Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom? Interface Design Coordination between Software Platforms and Hosted Apps | MIS Quarterly | 2023.9 |
5 | 冯欣, Qian Jiao, Zhonghong Kuang, Jingfeng Lu | Optimal prize design in team contests with pairwise battles | Journal of Economic Theory | 2023.11 |
6 | Chen, J. Q., He, S., and 杨雪 | Platform-Loophole Exploitation, Recovery Measures, and User Engagement: A Quasi-Natural Experiment in Online Gaming | Information Systems Research | 2023.11在线发表 |
7 | Nianhang Xu , Kam C. Chan , Rongrong Xie , 陈钦源 , Sumit Agarwal | The Impact of Family-Based Human Capital on Corporate Innovation: Evidence from Sibling-Chairpersons in China | MANAGEMENT SCIENCE | 2023.12 |
8 | Zhengtang Zhang, 贺伟, Tae-Youn Park, Zhijie Xing, and Xiaoyue Wu | The effects of between-group pay dispersion | Academy of Management Journal | 2023.12 |
2023年南京大学商学院SSCI II区成果收录
编号 | 作者 | 论文题目 | 出版单位 | 出版时间 |
1 | 陈媛媛, Qi WU, Duan LI | Counter-cyclical Margins for Option Portfolios | Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control | 2023.1 |
2 | 初星宇, Dickson Tok, Xiaoyu Zhou, Xi Chen | How Companies Use Typeface Design to Engage Consumers in Charitable Activities | Psychology & Marketing | 2023.1 |
3 | Zhigang Qiu, 王彦一, Shunming Zhang | Market power, ambiguity, and market participation | Journal of Financial Markets | 2023.1 |
4 | 杨柳, Kajal Lahiri, Adrian Pagan | Getting the ROC into Sync | Journal of Business & Economic Statistics | 2023.1 |
5 | Ted A. Paterson , Lei Huang , Xiaolu Li , 杨东涛 | Aspiring to be an entrepreneur while on paid employment: A moderated mediation model of entrepreneur identity aspiration | Journal of Business Research | 2023.1 |
6 | Cheng L, Wang Y, 张骁, Zhu, D. | Double-edged sword of global demand heterogeneity: How service multinationals capture the benefits and mitigate the costs of managing customer knowledge | Journal of Business Research | 2023.1 |
7 | 黄韫慧, Wenjing Song, Lu Yang | Avoiding through glossiness and approaching through matte: The effect of visual finish on perceived product effectiveness | Psychology & Marketing | 2023.2 |
8 | 贾鹏飞, 沈浩鹏,Shikun Zheng | Monetary Policy Rules and Opinionated Markets | Economics Letters | 2023.2 |
9 | Cui zhiwei, 姜舸, Shi Fei | Size-dependent minimum-effort games and constrained interactions | Economics Letters | 2023.2 |
10 | 张涤新,YulinWang, and Hua Liang | A Novel Estimation Method in Generalized Single Index Models | Journal of Business & Economic Statistics | 2023.4 |
11 | Qiqi Wang,范雪灵,Jun Liu,Wenjing Cai | Does a Help Giver Seek the Help from Others? The Consistency and Licensing Mechanisms and the Role of Leader Respect | Journal of Business Ethics | 2023.5 |
12 | Joel B. Carnevale, Lei Huang, Lynne C. Vincent, Lingtao Yu, and 贺伟 | Outshined by creative stars: A dual-path model of leader reactions to employees’ reputation for creativity | Journal of Management | 2023.5 |
13 | Xiaoyan Wang, 王国才,Yanhui Zhao,Wyatt A. Schrock. | The Intellectual Structure of Sales Ethics Research: A Multi-Method Bibliometric Analysis | Journal of Business Ethics | 2023.6 |
14 | Man Cao, 赵宜萱, 赵曙明 | How CEOs’ inclusive leadership fuels employees’ well-being: A three-level model | The International Journal of Human Resource Management | 2023.6 |
15 | Qing Gong, Dong Liu, Xiao-Ping Chen, 蒋春燕, Guoquan Chen | The Fire to Inspire: A Multilevel and Multimethod Investigation of How and When CEO Passion for Organizational Development Impacts Employee Creativity | Journal of Management Studies | 2023.7 |
16 | Murali Agastya, 冯欣, Jingfeng Lu | Auction Design with Shortlisting When Value Discovery Is Covert | Journal of Mathematical Economics | 2023.8 |
17 | Kong Zhou, Ying Xia, Guanglei Zhang, 贺伟, and Kaifeng Jiang | Delayed pay and employee turnover: The buffering role of pay‐for‐performance | Human Resource Management | 2023.8 |
18 | Fan, Lingyin , Zhongqiang Huang, 初星宇, Yuwei Jiang | Stick to My Guns: The Impact of Crowding on Consumers’ Responsiveness to Sales Promotions | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | 2023.8在线 |
19 | Zhou Kong, 夏莹, Zhang Guanglei, He Wei, & Jiang Kaifeng | Delayed pay and employee turnover: The buffering role of pay-for-performance | Human Resource Management | 2023.8在线 |
20 | Pan Suying, Lin Katrina, McAllister Daniel J. & 夏莹 | Holding abusive managers in contempt: Why and when experienced abusive supervision motivates enacted interpersonal justice toward subordinates | Journal of Business Ethics | 2023.9在线 |
21 | Cui zhiwei, 姜舸 | A hybrid revision protocol of action and links and social coordination | Economics Letters | 2023.10 |
22 | Wenjing Cai, 范雪灵, Qiqi Wang | Linking visionary leadership to creativity at multiple levels: The role of goal-related processes | Journal of Business Research | 2023.11 |
23 | Zheng, Hang; 韩剑; Liu, Yiqun | Authorized economic operator certification and export stability: Evidence from China's firms | REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS | 2023.11 |
24 | 张兵 | Betting against low nominal prices: Evidence from China | International Review of Economics and Finance | 2023.11 |